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  1. 就订了这个难以置信的巡航。这将是我们第一次跨大西洋。期待6天到达第一个港口之前的放松。
  2. 兴奋的遗愿清单行程。我听说从先前的启航的伟大故事。中继器加入的建议吗?
  3. 你们中的一些人可能还记得我最后一次直播博客从交响助教。我们非常满意这个巡航,我们决定然后做Oasis 5助教。不幸的是皇家宣布不知道将去亚洲,所以没有助教。相反,我们订了一个地中海东部克鲁斯2021年奥德赛。然后Covid发生。奥德赛》第一次搬迁之后以色列和美国,我们取消了巡航。我们使用电梯和转向保护我们的价格对东部地中海邮轮奥德赛在2022 -思考Covid就会结束。怎么样,错的你可以…我们终于放弃了4月,克鲁斯无论是意大利、以色列和希腊或展示任何停止疯狂的迹象。与非德国人只能书存出保证金,我们正在寻找替代品,偶然发现了不知道TA。所以四年后我们的第一个皇家游轮,它终于再次发生,克鲁斯我们一直想要的! Here are the basics of this trip: Travelling will be me (Kerstin, 39f) and hubby Michael (38m). We’re in 7310, an Ocean View Balcony. Funny enough, this will be first time ever we’ll be in a Balcony, we’re usually Interior people but got the opportunity to jump from Interior Virtual Balcony to GTY Ocean View Balcony for a steal price of 27 €. We have purchased UDP, DBP and Voom Surf & Stream. This cruise brings us from Barcelona via Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Cartagena, Malaga and Nassau to Port Canaveral. We have planned nothing for the port days. If we’re in the mood we’ll just get off the ship and walk around town, if not, we’ll just stay on board and enjoy the empty ship. Saturday will be a loooong day. Drop the 5 cats at the cat hotel at 8 am, drop the dog at the kennel at 11 am, take Covid tests and drive to Munich airport for our 8.55 pm flight to Barcelona. We’ll be arriving at 11.05 pm and have chosen the Alexandre Hotel Frontair Congress because they offer a shuttle and it isn’t far from the airport. Our boarding time is 10 am on Sunday which leaves us no time to do anything in Barcelona, but been there, done that… For disembarkation in Port Canaveral we’ve rented a car and will be spending a week in Florida essentially doing a road trip. Last but not least, time to introduce the only good thing that came out of Covid (apart from this cruise of course ) – our newest addition to the family. This is Ronnie on our summer trip to Sweden with the RV. He’s a Romanian rescue dog of unknown breeding, history and age (approximates say 2 to 4 years). Thanks to Covid we can now mostly work from home and have enough time to do him justice. Even without Covid restrictions we’re only required to meet in the office once a month so it’s easy to make sure he’s not home alone. Only hard thing will be not seeing him for three weeks The cats are used to spending their vacation at the cat hotel, but we take Ronnie with us on our RV trips. He has been practicing by staying at the kennel for a few days twice so I’m sure he’ll be fine. So in the spirit of live blogging, feel free to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them, take pictures and keep this as ‘live’ as the DBP allows
  4. 所以我考虑明年跨大西洋邮轮。我已经把范围缩小到两艘船(我还没有决定哪个方向我将会,但这并不影响这个问题作为船舶我了会和未来)。两艘船是和谐和《奥德赛》。我的问题是,鉴于成本几乎是相同的,和我喜欢的目的地选择,我应该选择哪一个?你会继续吗?我要考虑超过一半的旅行将海的日子,所以船舶有更多的活动和娱乐,或都是平等的吗?感谢你的任何建议。
  5. 你好!卡伦和我是RCI翡翠。我们去年退休,正在考虑巡航大海的辉煌2020年5月从坦帕到阿姆斯特丹。我们有一个gahzillion问题。我们已经在大量的3、4、5和7天邮轮,混合经验升级。我们是两个邮轮远离钻石,我的问题是——会改变吗?当我找到工作我们春天的阳台,但是现在我们不得不削减可以和正在考虑我们的机会在最便宜的房间RCI为升级提供了希望。除此之外,很多海洋天如何避免“土拨鼠日”?提前谢谢,理查德&凯伦
  6. 经过一年多的潜伏在论坛,假期终于到来!从这个董事会的所有帮助我和所有的生活博客我读并肩作战,我决定返回。这不会对手Twangster质量生活博客,但我们会尽力和提供new-to-Royal角度。我会打字,老公将提供图片。如果你有任何问题,我会尽我所能找到答案。那么闲话少说…我们是谁,为什么这个巡航吗?Kerstin和迈克尔,35岁,来自德国(确切地说是巴伐利亚),在我们第一次助教,第一个皇家游轮,第一次的欧洲。我们之前在- 3次,途易邮轮(RCI德国邮轮,合资企业),一旦阿依达。我们通常巡航的路线,但克鲁斯的例外。 After a brilliant video of Harmony from our favourite German Youtuber – the Schiffstester – we knew we wanted to try Oasis class – and that really experiencing it would take more than 7 days. We’d originally planned to book a Med B2B and not leave the ship, but the price on the TA was just too good – YOLO! I hate flying so to make it worthwhile, we added a 14 night Caribbean cruise on Caribbean Princess (RCI itineraries just weren’t to our liking). Cruise preview – Barcelona to Miami Ports of call: Malaga (Day 2) – not sure if we’ll get off the ship, maybe just for a stroll; Port Canaveral (Day 12) – Kennedy Space Center Guided Tour with Royal to avoid the long lines for immigration Food & Beverage: we both got the deluxe drinking package and 5 night dining package. Additionally reserved Izumi Hibachi and Jamie’s as we plan to check out all the options. Entertainment: all shows reserved, we’ll participate in a few CC events (Meet & Mingle, mini golf tournament, pub crawl, scavenger hunt). We’re also planning to book the all access tour. Cabin: 8411 - inside stateroom at the fore Pre-cruise & post-cruise We’ve already prepared everything we want to pack and will pack tomorrow. Friday morning, we’ll drop off the boys (our five coonies) at the cat hotel, rush home, throw the luggage in the car and drive to my parents. They’ll drop us off at the airport Duesseldorf for our evening check-in, we’ll stay at the airport hotel as our flight is at 6.45am on Saturday. We’ll stay at Hotel Catedral in Barcelona and have booked a walking tour of Barri Gótic for the afternoon. Post-cruise we’ll stay at Sense Beach House in South Beach until we board Caribbean Princess on 11th. It’s our first time in Miami, so we rented a car to get a good overview and do the essential shopping – I might pillage the Disney store as my sister is expecting her first child on November 23rd.
  7. 大家好!今年10月,我和最好的朋友在她第一次助教将把国歌!几个问题:这是我们第一次助教,我们通常爱海的日子,但它有点令人生畏的船上连续8天,有什么建议吗?东西包或做什么?通常有不同的活动在一个比传统的巡航助教吗?——我很兴奋尝试如果看看国歌的显示。在这一点上我们还不到六个月的离职(没有我计数)。你通常什么时候可以订这些活性物吗?我希望这些计划应对动态的餐厅。谢谢你的建议! Will anyone be joining us?
  8. 我看到英国皇家加勒比网站上,量子西行2014年从南安普顿到新泽西。它看起来像一个一次巡航,所以我希望我和想念她。有人订了,穿越。我也希望她可以做一个往东的跨越,因为理想情况下我们想飞到纽约花一些时间然后巡航南安普顿。
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